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Jewellery care


In my jewellery I use only genuine Baltic amber sourced from Lithuania. All Baltic amber in our jewellery has certificates of authenticity. Baltic amber is well-known for its healing, calming and grounding properties. In contact with skin amber warms up and releases succinic acid, which is believed to have pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. So amber jewellery should be worn for prolonged time and under the clothes to promote skin contact and healing.


Despite the healing and balancing properties of Baltic amber and gemstones, gemstone jewellery is not intended to be a medical treatment substitute. Please always seek appropriate medical help if you are concerned about your own or your child’s health condition.


With regards to children jewellery, my children necklaces, bracelets and anklets are knotted so even if a necklace breaks, the beads will not fly all over the place and will not become a choking hazard for your child. However, children necklaces, bracelets and anklets are NOT toys, and are not intended to be played with or chewed on. It is also recommended to remove the jewellery for sleeping and when the child is unattended. The designer will not be responsible for any injury or harm that may result from improper use of the jewellery.

To prolong the life and save the appearance of a knotted jewellery piece it is also advised to remove it for bath times and swimming. Jewellery cords tend to stretch when wet, which may create gaps between beads and make your necklace look less attractive. If your jewellery did get wet, take it off and let it dry on a flat surface away from the heat sources and direct sunlight. Never pull on your knotted jewellery. Avoid over tightening of the barrel clasp of your knotted jewellery to prevent breakage of the clasp.

Amber and many gemstones are brittle and fragile. Amber and gemstones jewellery should be protected from hard knocks or blows that can cause beads to split and fracture. Be mindful that Baltic amber is soft and can be easily scratched. Some stones might be more sensitive to external impacts than others but it is a general recommendation to avoid prolonged exposure to strong heat, direct sunlight or sudden temperature changes. Gemstones should not be exposed to acids, bleach or other harsh chemicals and cleaners. Avoid the use of ultrasonic and steam cleaners. You can clean your gemstone jewellery by using plain lukewarm soapy water and a soft cloth. Be sure to rinse well to remove any soapy residue. Note that if your jewellery contains any metal parts like clasps or spacer beads, the item must be dried thoroughly to prevent tarnishing. Jewellery should not be kept in the areas with high humidity like bathrooms. It is better to return your piece into its storage bag and keep it in your jewellery box when the jewellery is not in use. Also, avoid any perfumes, cosmetics and hair sprays contacting your jewellery.

Baltic amber can be polished from time to time with a bit of olive oil or coconut oil and a soft cloth to restore its shine and lustre. Be sure to remove any excess oil and store your amber jewellery in a soft pouch to prevent scratching.

Take care and enjoy your amber and gemstones jewellery.

With love,



Your Soul Light

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