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Beautiful knotted gemstone necklace with amethyst, rose quartz, blue amazonite and Baltic amber. Perfect for a baby girl. 
Barrel screw clasp. Round beads diameter 6mm.
Baltic amber provides wonderful healing, calming and grounding effects. In contact with skin amber warms up and releases succinic acid, which is believed to be pain-relieving and soothing (so helpful for teething babies). Amber is believed to draw the disease out of the body. It absorbs negative energy and transforms it into positive vibes that help the body heal itself. Amber serves as a good psychic protection shield. Amber also reduces stress, anxiety (including separation anxiety) and depression.
Blue amazonite assists with communication and self-expression, brings calm and helps building self-esteem. It assists in healing after emotional traumas and in fighting with anxiety and fears. Amazonite is very beneficial for nervous system, thyroid, strong bones and calcium absorption.  It is also good for treating eczema and colics. In addition, it absorbs electromagnetic radiation from cell phones, computers, microwaves and other devices that is so harmful for our health.
Amethyst, the master-healer stone, chases away nightmares, helps with insomnia and improves sleep. It brings peace, calm and balance of emotions, removes negative energy. Amethyst is very good for big transitions in life and helps babies settle in a new environment or adjust to new people.
May this necklace bring joy and happiness to your little girl!

Gemstone necklace in pastel colours with amethyst and amazonite

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